Monday, September 16, 2013

Web Programming Languages

It is an art or skill to design the websites. A web designer should fully aware about the present interest of the public. There are number of things which are usefull to create a website. Firstly a designer should know about the designing languages like html, css, javascript, php, sql, xml.
The programming languages are two types. 1st server side languages. 2nd client side languages.                                              The coding of the server side languages are written on the server. These are also executes on the server. The client can just show the result or output, like php, xml are the server side languages.                                 And the client side languages can write either on client or on server also. Html, css and javascript  are the client side languages. These languages can execute on client and servers.

Website Design with CMS

There are few more things in the web designing. Websites can be designed with the coding and with CMS (content management system) also. CMS are  very helpful to design the dynamic websites. It is very easy to use. Joomla and DreamWeaver are the common CMS’s. I prefer Joomla.

Joomla is a CMS. It is a software which very helpful to design the dynamic sites in a short time. You can design a number of sites in few days if you know that how to use the Joomla. To control your cms your should have the privileges of administrator. So that you can create, edit, and modify the menu and modules. To use the administration you should type the website name like then you should have the admin name and password to access the cms.
To use the Joomla there are few things which are very essential to learn.                                                                                              There are modules in the joomla. The whole page is divided into the modules. The module is an area, which shows the different contents on the page in a particular location. Like, header, footer, sidebar, bottom bar, topmenu, login box. These all are the modules to show the contents on a particular location. The modules can be published or unpublished. It depends on you. If you wish to publish an interview then click the publish button and if you think that it is not good to publish then you can unpublish the modules. The data or the content of the page is shown in the articles. Article is the main body of the content. We can publish our information and the information of our product in the articles. And there  is one interesting thing is that the articles are shown in the page with Menus.  menus are the buttons on the pages. It is the important content of the website. The menus are the link between the main page and the other pages. menus are controlled in menu manager. It can be create, edit and modified. Everything in the joomla is controlled in the managers. Everything has its own manager, like menu has menu manager, article has article manager and modules have module manager to control.              In the menu manager you can link the articles, other contents and external links with the menus. and you can publish the menu in any modules.
There are number of other extensions of joomla which are used for other purposes. For example there is an extension ‘jform’. This is used to design the forms in the joomla. Other main extensions are:
Jform, jumi, ccbord (forum), jce editor etc.
There are many more extensions which are used for the other purposes.  These extensions are aeasily available on the . you have to download the extension and plugins and install  them in the install manager in components. These extensions can be used in the components menu. The media like images can be added  in media manager.
                In addition if you want to make some changes in the css file or in html file then you should have the privilidges of super administrations. Then you edit the template manager, select the html or css file make changes and save it. Please be confirm about the change that do you change the right thing. Because if you change something wrong then it’ll effect the other contents also.

Control Panel
It is the very important thing in the web development. To control the whole website we use the control panel. In control panel we have lots of options to control the files. In the file manager your can control the files. We can create new files, edit and modify them. We can create the html, css, shtml, php, xml etc files according to the requirement of your control panel. If you have control panel then you should have the  administrative access to your control panel so that you can access the control panel and do according to your requirement.
In the control panel you have lots of work to do. You can control your domain name. you can make your sub-domains. You can control domains in the domains tab. Actually control panel is mainly used for the hosting of site. Hosting means the place where you host your domain names. With the help of the control panel you can create the database for your site according to the requirements. Like if you want to use the database of sql with php then there in database section you select the sql database, then you can create your database, tables and give them the user name and password also. To make the connection between the database and the php there is an option in database phpadmin. You can make caonnection between the database and php.  Then you access the database in your site with the help of sql and php commands.
Install Joomla:
To install the joomla in control panel go to the Software/Services tab. Select the fantastic de luxe tab, you’ll see  number of cms. Choose joomla 1.5 or lateral. Then select the domain or sub-domain where you want to install the joomla. Then install it according to the further conditions. After the installation open the joomla with administrator password. Type the domain name and /administrator in the addressbar to open the joomla. Then enter the administrator name and password to access the account.
Remember that if you want to use the control panel then type the cpanel after the domain name in the address bar.  And if you want to use the cms like joomla  then type the administrator after the domain names. Never forget the user name and password of the cpanel and the administrator.

Internet explorer

The important notes of the internet>>
                Firefox Mozilla is an internet browser. It is very commonly used because its addons are easily available on its site. And one thing more that It has a number of addons for different purposes like:
Tabgroups manager.
Brief: for RSS feed.
Measureit: for measure the browser area.
Firebug: To edit the css and html.
There are number of other things which are very helpful to surf the internet.

About me and Career ...

Hi, I am just gonna give you a little introduction about me. I left web development career about 3 years ago, because of few circumstances but I always keen to work into IT. currently i am working in a supermarket as a retail manager. but now i completely make my mind to be back in IT.
i had done computer engineering in 2008 and work in a web development company for a while and then had Microsoft certification for windows server 2008 in 2011 but because of few reasons i had to change my career into Retail Management so i did Advanced diploma in Management in 2012 and certification in Retail in 2013 few months ago.
even still after getting this qualifications i want to work in my own IT stream. finally i got an opportunity to work in with web developers and Network technicians. 
So friends i am going to revise all my previous notes and stuff, and i am going to publish all that notes on my this blog. so if there is any beginner wanna start their web developer career then they can follow my blog.